Pet only puppies(means no akc breeding)
Forrest is a fawn male French Bulldog puppy. He is 8 weeks old as of Friday January 26th.
He is absolute breeding quality and dna but before attaining breeding rights we do extensive background checking on all requests
Sophie is retired now from breeding and is seeking a quiet peaceful home. Prefer she be only pet or only with a larger male as she is female dominant and will fight. Because of this I recommend no small children. She loves to cuddle on your bed or couch, adores car rides and is easy to bathe,do nails,or vaccinations.
Absolutely darling coco or Lilac fawn fluffy male. Pet home or will test dna for testable chocolate for breeders.
He's small,thick,has a great headpiece and is going to be outstanding as an adult.
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At Color Me Frenchies , we offer expertly bred french bulldog puppies of all ages become well-behaved and obedient companions. As always we use positive reinforcement techniques to teach dogs new skills and correct unwanted behaviors. Your puppy comes home pre-loved,potty trained,vaccinated and guaranteed for one year against any genetic encumbrances. We welcome you to our family and are here at all times to help and answer your questions.
French Bulldog, French bulldogs for sale, tiktok Frenchies, frenchies of Instagram, french Bulldog for sale
At Color Me Frenchies , we offer expert dog training services that are designed to help dogs of all breeds and ages become well-behaved and obedient companions. Our trainers use positive reinforcement techniques to teach dogs new skills and correct unwanted behaviors.
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